Value Connect is determined to create the most effective appraisal platform in the market. For our valued partners this means no need to request fee changes and reasonable turn around times based on market conditions. We've developed the best appraisal report building technology, allowing you to focus on building a quality report you can be proud of.
With our new appraisal order feature in Filogix Expert our deals have sky rocketed, and so has demand for appraisers. We're currently looking for appraisers in Niagara, KW, Valcouver, Kamloops, Calgary, Peel, Halton, Georgetown, Rural Ottawa, Windsor, London, Edmonton, Montreal, Quebec, and Halifax. Contact John van Oosterhout if you're looking to expand your business, work with a real partner (not someone who uses your data to create an AVM and steal your business), and use the best tools the industry has to offer. Specify your service areas: EMAIL JOHN or call 226-251-0108 x4256
Here are some other things that you should know:
Our agreements cover:
-Mileage fees -Lender clients -# of units -Markets -Any other factors that may impact the fee
Our appraiser partners supply:
-Quality reports
-Reasonable turnaround based on market conditions
-Consisten fees
-Efficient communication

Value Connect Questions? E-mail or call 1-844-383-2473