Sales Strategies for Mortgage Experts


Mortgage brokers and alternative mortgage specialists face a challenging market, where customers are often overwhelmed by the complexity and emotional stress of buying a home. They compete with other brokers, banks, credit unions, and online lenders who may offer lower rates or different levels of convenience.

How can mortgage experts stand out and persuade customers to choose them as their trusted advisors?


One effective way to attract and retain customers is to use email marketing. Email marketing allows you to communicate with your prospects and clients in a personalized and timely manner, educating them about the benefits of working with you, addressing their pain points and objections, and guiding them through the mortgage process. You can also build rapport and trust by sharing your expertise, testimonials, and success stories.


In this post, we demonstrate how to create a three-part email campaign that generates more leads, conversions, and referrals. We will provide examples of email subjects you can use or adapt for your own campaign. These sales strategies are applicable to any industry with a large price tag and emotional customers who are price sensitive.

Part One: The Lead Magnet

The first part of your email campaign is to offer a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a valuable piece of content you give away for free in exchange for your prospect's contact information. The purpose of a lead magnet is to attract qualified leads who are interested in your topic and services. A lead magnet helps establish your authority and credibility as a mortgage expert.


Some examples of lead magnets that you can create are:


  • A free report or guide on how to save money on your mortgage, how to avoid common mistakes, or how to qualify for the best rates.
  • A free consultation or assessment of your current situation and your mortgage goals.
  • A free webinar or video series that teaches your prospects how to navigate the mortgage process.
  • A free checklist or worksheet that helps your prospects compare different mortgage options or prepare for their application.

To create a lead magnet, identify the main problem or challenge your prospects are facing, and provide a solution or a benefit they achieve by working with you. Make your lead magnet specific, relevant, and easy to consume.


For example, instead of offering a generic report on mortgages, offer a report on how to save $10,000 on your mortgage in 2024.


Once created, promote the lead magnet on your website, social media, blog, or other channels. You also need to create a landing page where your prospects can sign up for your lead magnet by entering their name and email address. You can use tools like Mailchimp, HubSpot, or Clickfunnels to create, and host, your landing page and email list.


Here are examples of email subjects you can use to promote your lead magnet:


  • How to Save $10,000 on Your Mortgage in 2024 (Free Report)
  • Free Consultation: How to Get the Best Mortgage Rate for Your Dream Home
  • Join Me for a Free Webinar: How to Avoid the 7 Deadly Mistakes of Mortgage Shopping
  • Download Your Free Mortgage Comparison Checklist Now

Part Two: The Nurture Sequence

The second part of your email campaign is to send a series of emails that nurture your leads and move them closer to the sale.


The nurture sequence is designed to build trust and rapport with prospects, educate them about your services and value proposition, and overcome their objections and fears. The nurture sequence helps segment your leads based on their level of interest, readiness, and fit for your services.


The number and frequency of emails sent in your nurture sequence varies depending on industry, audience, and offer. A good rule of thumb is to send at least three emails over a period of one to two weeks. Test different email lengths, formats, and tones to see what works best for your prospects.


Some examples of emails you can include in your nurture sequence are:


  • An introduction email welcoming prospects to your list, thanks them for downloading your lead magnet, and tells them what to expect from you.
  • An education email that teaches your prospects something useful or interesting related to your topic and your services. Share a case study or a success story demonstrating results and expertise.
  • A value email highlighting benefits and features of working with you as a mortgage expert. Share testimonials or social proof from your happy clients.
  • An objection email that addresses the common questions, concerns, or misconceptions prospects may have about your services or the mortgage process. Use this email to dispel some myths or mistakes prospects may make.
  • A call to action email inviting prospects to take the next step in the buying process, such as booking a call, applying for a pre-approval, or requesting a quote.

Here are some examples of email subjects that you can use for your nurture sequence:


  • Welcome to the Mortgage Savvy Club
  • How John and Mary Saved $15,000 on Their Mortgage (and How You Can Too)
  • Why You Need a Mortgage Expert (and Not a Bank or an Online Lender)
  • The Truth About Mortgage Rates (and How to Get the Best Deal)
  • Ready to Find Your Dream Home? Here's What to Do Next

Part Three: The Follow-Up Sequence

The third part of your email campaign is to send a series of emails that follow up with your prospects and clients after they have taken the next step in the buying process. The follow-up sequence is designed to maintain and strengthen the relationship with your prospects and clients, provide them with support and guidance, and encourage them to refer you to others. The follow-up sequence helps increase your conversions, retention, and referrals.


The number and frequency of emails that you send in your follow-up sequence varies. However, a good rule of thumb is to send at least two to three emails over a period of one to three months. As with the Nurture Sequence, test different email lengths, formats, and tones to see what works best for prospects and clients.


Some examples of emails that you can include in your follow-up sequence are:


  • A confirmation email that confirms the next step that prospects or clients have taken, such as booking a call with you, applying for a pre-approval, or requesting a quote. Use this email to remind them of the benefits and value of working with you, and provide some tips or resources to prepare for the next step.
  • A feedback email asking prospects or clients for their feedback on the next step they have taken, such as the call with you, the pre-approval, or the quote. Use this email to answer any questions or concerns they may have, and to nudge them to take the next step.
  • A referral email asking prospects or clients for referrals to their friends, family, or colleagues who may need your services. Use this email to offer them an incentive or a reward for referring you, such as a gift card, a discount, or a free service.

Here are some examples of email subjects that you can use for your follow-up sequence:


  • You're One Step Closer to Your Dream Home
  • How Did It Go? I'd Love to Hear Your Feedback
  • Do You Know Anyone Who Needs a Mortgage Expert?


Email marketing is a powerful tool for mortgage experts who want to generate more leads, conversions, and referrals. By creating a three-part email campaign that offers a lead magnet, a nurture sequence, and a follow-up sequence, you can attract and retain customers interested in your services and value proposition. You can also use email marketing to build trust and rapport with prospects and clients, educate them about the benefits of working with you, and overcome their objections and fears.


By following the sales strategies and examples in this document, you can create an email campaign that helps grow your business and achieve your goals.
